The Academy of Medicine was formed over 100 years ago. Prior to this there had been medical societies; each catering for a different branch of medicine but they overlapped one another. For many years wide-ranging discussions had been held on how best to bring these bodies together so that they would have the advantage of union yet
preserve their independence. In the event a solution was found. In November 1882 in the Royal College of Surgeons an Academy was formed by the amalgamation of the four main medical societies - the Dublin Society of Surgeons, the Medical Society of the College of Physicians, the Pathological Society and the Dublin Obstetrical Society.
24/01/2025 12:00pm in Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Ireland
25/01/2025 7:00pm in Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Ireland
25/01/2025 7:00pm in Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Ireland
25/01/2025 11:00am in Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone Ireland
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