Biomedical Sciences Section Annual Meeting, June 2014

19/06/2014 in University College Dublin
Biomedical Sciences Section Annual Meeting 2014
The annual meeting of the RAMI Section of Biomedical Sciences returned to Dublin after two years on the road following meetings at NUIG (2012) and UCC (2013). Professor James Jones (Anatomy, UCD) played host to biomedical scientists at the splendid O’Brien Centre for Science on the ever-changing landscape of University College Dublin at the Belfield campus. The one-day meeting showcased the great diversity and strength of biomedical research on-going at the major institutions on the island. In keeping with tradition, early career scientists were a major focus of the meeting with 23 oral communications presented on the day in addition to poster presentations at “breaks” between sessions. The standard was excellent and trainees proved accomplished ambassadors for their respective institutions. Dr. Mark Hollywood (DKIT) delivered the Conway Review Lecture to close the annual meeting. Dr. Hollywood’s lecture was inspirational to delegates – young and old – described as a tour-de-force by Section President, Professor Aidan Bradford. Dr. Hollywood dedicated the review lecture to Professor Noel McHale – his long-time colleague and mentor. Delegates repaired to the Old Physics Theatre in Newman House, St. Stephen’s Green joined by RAMI President Dr. Patrick O’Sullivan for dinner to close a most successful annual meeting.
Professor Ken O’Halloran
Presenter of the Conway Review Lecture 2014 Mark A Hollywood – S6, drugs and RCK and Bowl
Winner of the Donegan Medal 2014, Dr. Sinead Quinn
Winner of the Barcroft Medal 2014, Dr. Dara Lundon (Pictured above)