Section of OtoRhinoLaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ORL HNS), Registrar’s Prize Meeting, Friday, 28th March 2025

28/03/2025 in Midlands Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Co. Laois

Register by 21/03/2025
Free Admission

Dear ENT colleagues and trainees,

On behalf of Prof. Michael Colreavy, (Section President), and myself, I am delighted to inform you that once again the spring meeting will take place on Friday 28th March 2025 in the Midlands Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. This will be followed by a Gala Dinner on Friday evening, the cost is €70, please pay on this link. The link will close on Wednesday 25th March.

We are delighted to have two guest speakers this year. Mrs. Mira De Kruijf, Consultant Paedistric Otolaryngology at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, and Prof Aun Iyer, Consultant Otologist in Glasgow will be joining us. We look forward to their presentations, along with a mixture of presentations from NCHD colleagues and consultant panels and presentations.

We now welcome abstracts for oral presentations (10mins max – 8mins for presentation, 2mins for questions). We welcome case series, and new research. Please see information below regarding abstracts.

I would encourage all who can, to attend this meeting. As always, your support is greatly appreciated.  Please register as early as possible, as this helps with numbers for catering.

Best wishes,

Ms. Éadaoin Ó Catháin

RAMI OtoRhinoLaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ORL HNS) Section secretary

Abstract Format:

  • All abstracts must adhere to the following guidelines. Abstracts that do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted. 
    Abstracts should be 200 words or less, excluding title and authors.
    Font style and size: Times New Roman, 12, single-spaced.
    Use three or four headings: Background: Methods: Results: and Conclusion.
    Authors should be presented as a surname, followed by initials (e.g. Murphy A, Carey T, Dunne P), and subsequent authors separated by a comma. The first author must be the submitting author. The author list will be published in the order that it is submitted in the abstract, so please ensure all authors are aware of this.
    Each author needs an affiliation. Affiliations must include a department and organisation. Affiliations should be listed under the author list, linked by the numerical superscript.
    There should be no references in the abstract.
    There should be no diagrams or graphs. Everything must be text-based.
    Abstracts should be submitted as an MS Word document. No pdf’s.
    Please include at least 3 or 4 keywords.
    If for publication, the abstract must not have been published elsewhere in abstract or another form. It must not be published online. All abstracts must be submitted online (not accepted by email). Abstracts must be submitted before 6 p.m. on the 20th of November 2024 to be considered for entry. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • If selected to present, you must join RAMI. Use ID 1234 if you are not a member yet.  Join HERE 
  • There is a €20 fee to attend for non-RAMI members but it’s free to RAMI members. This fee also covers the CPD cert.  Receipts will be issued.

Ms. Éadaoin Ó Catháin

RAMI ENT Section Secretary