
All events, Section meetings, Calls for Abstracts are on the Events panel.

History of Medicine Section, Wednesday 19th September 2012

19/09/2012 6:00pm in Frederick House, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2

Conway Review Lecture 2012

10/09/2012 5:00pm in National University of Ireland, Galway

Robert Graves Lecture 2011_Ms. Laura Viani_Thursday, 2nd June 2011

24/05/2012 8:00pm in Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2

Robert Graves Lecture 2012_Professor Eamonn  M. M. Quigley_Thursday 24th May 2012

24/05/2012 7:30pm in Royal College of Physicians of Ireland,6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

Anaesthesia Section Meeting, May 2012

09/05/2012 6:30pm in Frederick House, 19 South Frederick St, Dublin 2

History of Medicine Section, Wednesday 25th April 2012

25/04/2012 6:00pm in Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Physicians, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Intern Section Inaugural Study Day Meeting, April 2012

21/04/2012 8:30am in Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Surgery Section Day Meeting, April 2012

20/04/2012 9:00am in Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin 2

Pathology Section Annual Slide Seminar Meeting, April 2012

05/04/2012 7:00pm in Frederick House, 19, South Frederick St, Dublin 2.