All events, Section meetings, Calls for Abstracts are on the Events panel.
11/11/2010 10:30am in Frederick House, 19, South Frederick St, Dublin 2.
11/11/2010 7:00pm in Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin 7
05/11/2010 1:00pm in Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
27/10/2010 7:00pm in Frederick House, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2
26/10/2010 7:00pm in Catherine McAuley Day Care Centre, Eccles St., Dublin 7
11/06/2010 7:30pm in Albert Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin 2
10/06/2010 1:30pm in Davenport Hotel, At Merrion Square, Dublin 2
09/06/2010 7:00pm in Frederick House, 4th Floor, 19, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2
03/06/2010 6:30pm in Dalrymple Lecture Theatre, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 2