Published Articles in Irish J Med Sci
All papers published since 1832 are available through the Springer website. Some articles are "Open Access" and available to everyone. If you wish to access the contents going back to 1832 you can join RAMI. Online access tokens are given to all Members and Fellows of RAMI. Articles are accessible to RAMI members or individuals accessing from subscribing institutions also.
Mugtaba Osman, Andrew C. Parnell, Clifford Haley
“Suicide shall cease to be a crime”: suicide and undetermined death trends 1970–2000 before and after the decriminalization of suicide in Ireland 1993
H. H. Liu, M. W. Zhang, J. B. Guo, J. Li, L. Su
Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in early diagnosis of sepsis caused by either Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria
M. Mavinkurve, A. Quinn, C. S. O’Gorman
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy for Type 1 diabetes mellitus in children
T. Ji, C. Feng, L. Sun, X. Ye, Y. Bai, Q. Chen, Y. Qin, J. Zhu, X. Zhao
Are beta-blockers effective for preventing post-coronary artery bypass grafting atrial fibrillation? Direct and network meta-analyses