Published Articles in Irish J Med Sci
All papers published since 1832 are available through the Springer website. Some articles are "Open Access" and available to everyone. If you wish to access the contents going back to 1832 you can join RAMI. Online access tokens are given to all Members and Fellows of RAMI. Articles are accessible to RAMI members or individuals accessing from subscribing institutions also.
C. Brown, T. I. Barron, K. Bennett, D. MacDonald, F. Dwane, L. Sharp
Generalisability of pharmacoepidemiological studies using restricted prescription data
S. Jia, S. Mi, Y. Zhou, H. Zheng, H. Yang
Characteristics of coronary artery lesion in patients with and without diabetes mellitus
E. Sexton, D. Bedford
GP supply, deprivation and emergency admission to hospital for COPD and diabetes complications in counties across Ireland: an exploratory analysis
L. O’ Halloran, B. McAdam, K. Morgan, C. Lewis, D. Farrell, S. Doherty, S. Burke, H. McGee
Readmission rates among cardiology inpatients with echocardiography abnormalities associated with heart failure
M. Mohammed Nur, M. Murphy
Adequacy and accuracy of salivary gland fine needle aspiration cytology
Z. Baykal Tutal, H. Gulec, N. Derelı, M. Babayıgıt, A. Kurtay, H. Inceoz, E. Horasanlı
Propofol-ketamine combination: a choice with less complications and better hemodynamic stability compared to propofol? On a prospective study in a group of colonoscopy patients
L. Suciu, C. Cristescu, A. Topîrceanu, L. Udrescu, M. Udrescu, V. Buda, M. C. Tomescu
Evaluation of patients diagnosed with essential arterial hypertension through network analysis
Multiple authors
Proceedings of the RAMI Section of Healthcare Informatics Students Meeting, Wednesday 20th May 2015, Setanta House, Dublin
C. Toomey, S. Leahy, K. McCreesh, S. Coote, P. Jakeman
The body composition phenotype of Irish adults aged 18–81 years