Published Articles in Irish J Med Sci

All papers published since 1832 are available through the Springer website.  Some articles are "Open Access" and available to everyone.  If you wish to access the contents going back to 1832 you can join RAMI.  Online access tokens are given to all Members and Fellows of RAMI.  Articles are accessible to RAMI members or individuals accessing from subscribing institutions also.  

F. DowlingT. P. MulvihillC. A. O’NeillR. A. BrownJudith A. AllenD. J. JenkinsonI. C. RoddieN. BarwinT. A. McCaldenC. T. KirkpatrickMichael F. Wilson

Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Section of Biological Sciences


A. O’Carroll-Lolait, A. Urwin, I. Doughty, J. Schofield, H Thabit, L. Leelarathna

Trends in HbA1c and other biochemical outcomes of individuals with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes_Open Access

Rosa S Djajadiningrat, Jochen Walz, Lukas C van Dijk, Hossain Roshani

Antegrade pyelography, a survey among urologists

Luca Sangiorgi, Evelise Brizola on behalf of the COVID-19 Helpline for Rare Bone Diseases Group

The line between COVID-19 pandemic and rare bone diseases_Open Access