St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award

The St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award began in 2004.  Young oncology researchers could apply through the submission of an abstract together with an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.

Previous winners of the St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award :

2016     Dr. Alex Eustace – Development of a personalised therapy approach for patients with ERBB gene-mutated solid tumours

2014     Maria Prencipe – A New Molecular Target for Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Negative Feedback Loop between SRF and AR

2013     Patrick G. Morris – Obesity-related Inflammation in Women with Breast Cancer

2012     Darran P. O’Connor – Antibody-based Proteomics: Fast-Tracking Molecular Diagnostics in Oncology

2011     Patricia M McGowan – ADAMs: New Players in Breast Cancer Progression

2010     Donal J Brennan – The cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is an independent prognostic factor in lymph node-negative breast cancer and predicts outcome in tamoxifen treated patients

2009     Laure Marignol – Hypoxia in prostate tumours: detection, consequences and clinical exploitation

2008     Fraser M Smith – Combination of SELDI-TOF-MS and Data Mining Provides Early-Stage Response Prediction for Rectal Tumours Undergoing Multimodal Neoadjuvant Therapy

2007     Stephen P. Finn – Platelet Derived Growth Factor B is amplified and over expressed in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

2006     Aileen Houston – The role of Fas ligand in tum our-mediated immune suppression

2005     Chris Collins

2004     J.C. Coffey – PI-3 Kinase Inhibition Attenuates Metastatic Tumour Growth Following Laparotomy


St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award 2016

27/01/2016 7:00pm in Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award 2014

29/01/2014 6:00pm in Corrigan & Graves Halls, Royal College of Physicians, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

St. Luke’s Young Investigators Award 2013

23/01/2013 6:00pm in Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2