Membership Criteria
Subscription per year (Jan – Dec)
Fellows €95
Fellowship is open to registered medical practitioners and persons interested in the science and practice of medicine and allied subjects. Fellows are eligible for all offices and to vote in all elections.
Retired Fellows €60
As the name suggests, these are retired medical colleagues who maintain a strong interest in continuous medical education.
Honorary Fellows
Honorary Fellows may be nominated by the General Council and elected at a General Meeting of the Academy. They enjoy all the rights of Fellows. These are medical and scientific colleagues who have been awarded Fellowship status on the basis of published research work or a lifetime of clinical work.
Members €75
Membership is open to registered medical practitioners and persons interested in the science and practice of medicine and allied subjects. After five years continuous Membership, Members are eligible to be elected as Fellows but no member may continue as a member longer than seven years.
NCHD €50
These are junior doctors in training, mainly Senior House Officer (SHO) grade, but also including non-training Registrar grade.
SHO €50
This category overlaps significantly with the NCHD category above but is only open to Senior House Officer grades.
SpR €50
These are Specialist Registrars on dedicated training, specialist training schemes of 5-7 year duration.
Interns €50
These are young doctors in their first postgraduate year. The Intern Year is the first year of postgraduate medical training. Intern training is for a minimum of 12 months. Each Intern must be registered with the Medical Council of Ireland and following the successful completion of their Intern year the doctor will be awarded a “Certificate of Experience”. Internship is open to those who are required to complete it in order to gain the “Certificate of Experience”. The recruitment campaign opens each year in October for posts in July the following year. An undergraduate degree is usually your first university degree, such as an Associate or Bachelor’s degree. All applicants to Intern posts in the Irish health service must be a graduate or final year student. Email for any help you may need re. eligibility criteria.
Postdoctoral Fellowship €30
These are doctors (or scientists in biomedical specialties), who have completed an MD or PhD and are currently undertaking further research.
Postgraduate Students €20
These are doctors (or scientists in biomedical specialties) undertaking research toward a PhD or MD. Students must be registered for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
Undergraduate Students €10
This category is for undergraduate medical students.