Healthcare Management

Section President: 

Section Secretary:

Section Council Members:

Representative on General Council:

Professor David Powell, President of the Academy in 1994, informed the Executive committee the possibility of opening up a new Section of the Academy called “Health Management”.  Further discussions proceeded and in 1996 the President of the Academy Professor Ronan O’Regan reported that he had spoken to Dr. Niall Tierney of he Department of Health who suggested we set up the new Section of Health Management with cross border links.  The Committee felt that arrangements be set in motion to inaugurate the Section and the matter be considered further in the Autumn.

RAMI Research Awards, Wednesday 6th November 2019

06/11/2019 6:30pm in Corrigan & Graves Halls, RCPI, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

RAMI Research Awards, Wednesday 9th November 2016

09/11/2016 7:00pm in Royal College of Surgeons, 123, St. Stephen

Healthcare Management Section Meeting, Sept 2011

22/09/2011 3:00pm in Frederick House, 19, South Frederick St, Dublin 2.


See more Abstracts

Jose Juan Ruiz-Hernández,  Alicia Conde-Martel,  Miriam Serrano-Fuentes,  Marta Hernández-Meneses,  Alejandro Merlán-Hermida,  Alba Rodríguez-Pérez,  Joaquín Marchena-Gómez 

Pyogenic liver abscesses due to Escherichia coli are still related to worse outcomes


Ahmed Abdelaal Ahmed Mahmoud,  Mohamed I Younis,  Christopher Holmes,  Amr Sallam,  Mohamed Gomaa Kamel,  Eugene Dempsey, Orla Mulhern 

Participation of the hospitals in the Republic of Ireland in international research over more than a decade: a bibliometric analysis


Yu Zhang,  Xiaoling Ye,  Xinyue Wan,   Tao Deng 

Serum lipase as a biomarker for early prediction and diagnosis of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis
