History of Medicine

Section President:  Ms. Mary O’Doherty

Section Secretary: Dr. Susan Mullaney

Past Secretary: Prof. Alun Evans

Section Council Members: Patrick Plunkett, Frank Powell, Freddie Woods

Sad passing of  Professor Davis Coakley. He was Past President of the History of Medicine Section and a Council Member. We regret to inform you of his death, on 25 September 2022, Honorary Fellow Professor Emeritus Davis Coakley, M.D. (N.U.I.), F.R.C.I., F.R.C.P.ED., F.R.C.P.GLAS., F.R.C.P., Hon. F.T.C.D.  He was a thorough gentleman and a sad loss to everyone.

The Section of the History of Medicine was established in 1956. As with the other sections this section is governed by a President and council, and holds regular meetings at which members present papers.  The founder of the Section was Dr. T.G. Wilson

Living Medical History Project


History of Medicine Section, Monday 15th April 2024 at 6:30 pm

15/04/2024 6:30pm in Whitefriar Street Community Centre, 56, Aungier St., Dublin 2

History of Medicine Section, Monday, 6th November, 2023 at 6:30 pm

06/11/2023 6:30pm in St Theresa’s Room, 2nd Floor, Whitefriar Street Community Centre, 56, Aungier Street, Dublin 2


See more Abstracts

C. Lee

Chairman’s opening address at the Sir William Wilde Bi-Centenary Symposium


Keyword William Wilde Bi-Centenary Symposium

S. Mullaney

Sir William Wilde and provision for the blind in nineteenth-century Ireland


Keywords William Wilde – Blindness – Nineteenth-century Ireland – Census – Ophthalmia

P. Froggatt

The demographic work of Sir William Wilde


Keywords William Wilde – Nineteenth-century Ireland – Census – Demography – Deaf mutism – Plaque