
Section President: Dr. Marie Hickey-Dwyer

Section Secretary: Dr. Catherine Cleary

Section Council Members:

Representative on General Council:

At a meeting of the General Council of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland held on Friday 29th April, 1966 the Council considered the proposal that there should be an Ophthalmological Section of the Academy and the President Dr. D. K. O’Donovan referred to correspondence on the subject with Dr. Hewson of Galway. It was pointed out that there existed a Society of Ophthalmologists and also an independent Faculty and that somewhat similar outside bodies existed among Radiologists and Dermatologists who had, in addition, Sections in the Academy. The General Secretary was directed to write to the secretary of the Society of Ophthalmologists stating that the General Council favoured the proposal provided they could be assured that the demand was sufficient to support adequate attendance at meetings in Dublin and elsewhere.

At a meeting of the General Council of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, held on the 26th of November, 1971 Dr. G. Crookes suggested the formation of a  Section of Ophthalmology. The General Secretary was directed to reply to Dr. Crookes asking him if he considered that many Fellows would attend such a Section.

The General Council of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland in the year 1972 agreed to the formation of two new Sections – the Section of Ophthalmology and the Section of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation.


Recipients of Medals in RAMI Section of Ophthalmology   

2023     Danyal Memon

2016     David Gallagher

2015     Maedhbh Rhatigan

2015     Salma Bashir

2014     Lina Kobayter

2014     Lisa McAnena

2013     Emma Duignan

2012     Khalid Kamel

2012     Tom Droney

2009     S. M. J. Farrell

2008     Fabiyan M Fauzi

2007     Ayemen Saeed

2002     Catherine Cleary/ Rory Kirwan (Joint 1st Winners)

2001     G.T. Higgins

2000     J. O’Reilly

1999     S. Ling Ho

1997     A. Browne

1996     L. Cassidy

1995     R. Best

1994     A. Cullinane

1993     M. Cahill

1992     T. Fulcher

1991     K. Coleman

1990     E. O’Donoghue

1989     Marie Hickey-Dwyer

1988     F. G. McGinnity

1987     P. Phelan

1985     M. Goggin

1983     P. McGettrick

1981     J. Moloney

1979     Y. Canavan


Professor Eustace Medal 2008

2008     M O’Keeffe


Section President’s Medal

1992     P. Kenna

1991     M. Coffey


Ophthalmology Section Meeting, Friday, 04th April 2025

04/04/2025 9:45am in The River Lee Hotel, Western Road, Cork T12 X2AH

Section Registration Meeting Fee €20.00

31/12/2024 12:00pm in Not applicable


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Participation of the hospitals in the Republic of Ireland in international research over more than a decade: a bibliometric analysis


Patrick J. Murtagh,  Kirk A. Stephenson,  Maedbh Rhatigan,  Elizabeth M. McElnea,  Paul P. Connell &  David J. Keegan 

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments: primary reattachment rates and visual outcomes over a 4-year period


atih Mehmet Türkcü,  Alparslan Şahin,  Ümit Karaalp,  Yasin Çınar,  Muhammed Şahin,  Zeynep Gürsel Özkurt &  Uğur Keklikçi 

Automated quantification of foveal avascular zone and vascular density in Behçet’s disease
