
Section President: 

Section Secretary:

Section Council Members:

Representative on General Council:

In 1950 the Section of Paediatrics was formed.  From the Academy’s foundation in 1882 the four main Sections were the Sections of Medical, Surgical, Obstetrical and Pathological. There were also two sub-sections in 1882, the Section of Public Health under the direction of the Medical Section, and Anatomy and Physiology under the direction of the Surgical and Medical Sections.  Both of these Sections were declared Sections in 1887, the Section
of Public Health was renamed “State Medicine”.

Recipients of Medals in RAMI Section of Paediatric

2000     C. McMahon


RAMI Research Awards, Wednesday 6th November 2019

06/11/2019 6:30pm in Corrigan & Graves Halls, RCPI, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

RAMI Research Awards, Wednesday 9th November 2016

09/11/2016 7:00pm in Royal College of Surgeons, 123, St. Stephen


See more Abstracts

William P. Tormey 

Hyponatraemia, harm reduction and the O’Hara report from Northern Ireland


Ahmed Abdelaal Ahmed Mahmoud,  Mohamed I Younis,  Christopher Holmes,  Amr Sallam,  Mohamed Gomaa Kamel,  Eugene Dempsey, Orla Mulhern 

Participation of the hospitals in the Republic of Ireland in international research over more than a decade: a bibliometric analysis


Farzana Sadiq &  Aisling Mulligan 

AdCom study—adolescent communication group therapy for externalising disorders
