
Section President: Professor Maureen O’Sullivan

Section Secretary: Dr. Clare D’Arcy

Section Council Members:

Representative on General Council:

The Section of Pathology was one of the original sections of RAMI, established in 1882. The Section of Pathology replaced the Pathological Society. The Section of Pathology is governed by a council and President. The section holds a series of monthly meetings from October to May where members present cases.

Here is the opening address from the first meeting of the Pathological Section held on Friday, 1st December 1882:

President – J. M. Purser. M.D.

Sectional Secretary -E. H. Bennett. M.D

The President of the Section, Professor Purser, opened the Session with a brief Inaugural Address. In the course of his address Dr. Purser dwelt particularly on the waste of pathological material which takes place in many of the hospitals of Dublin, and on the disadvantages that attend the making of post mortem examinations by gentlemen who have received no training in pathological anatomy. He suggested that this difficulty might be obviated by the appointment to each hospital, or group of hospitals, of a Pathologist who had received some instruction in pathological anatomy and technique.  His business should be to attend when required to make autopsies, and to dictate the notes to be taken there and then. Dr. Purser laid special stress on the fact that, in spite of its great development as a centre of medical teaching, up to the present time neither university, nor college, nor private school in Dublin, had supplied any systematic course of instruction in pathology. He further urged the necessity of endeavouring to impress on the examining bodies a sense of the great importance attaching to a knowledge of pathology.


Recipients of Medals in RAMI Section of Pathology Registrar’s Prize   

2021     Renuka Durganaudu

2017     Ciara Murray

2016     Grace Neville

2011     Rowena Hughes

2010     Saradha Srinivasan

2009     Niamh Conlon

2008     Eoghan O’Neill

2004     H. Magee

2003     H. Lane

2002     A. Murphy

2001     K. Sheehan

2000     S. Finn

1999     M. Barry

1998     F. MacSweeney

1997     K. M. Feeley

1996     M. Lynch

1995     B. Dunne

1994     S. Walsh

1993     M. McDermott/J. O’Dowd

1992     M. G. Cormican

1991     P. Browne

1990     A. Dorman

1989     B. Loftus

1988     B. Cryan

1987     C. Quinn

1986     C. O’Mahony

1985     S. Kennedy

1984     R. McMahon

1983     C. Barry-Walsh

1982     G. Mortimer






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